Monday, March 17, 2014

Using iPads with your child

I just came back from Indianapolis where I attended the Public Library Association's Annual Conference. I got to learn about new books coming out and how to use technology in children's program. 

What I have learned is that technology and apps are just another media we use in children's programming just like puppets, music and flannel boards. There are recommendations on how much screen time children from birth to 2 should have and you can read about it here. The Joan Ganz Cooney Center  talks about Joint Media Engagement when dealing with technology and children. The National Association for the Education of Young People and the Fred Rogers Center put out a position statement on Technology and Interactive Media in Early Childhood Programs, we use this statement  to help guide us when using technology with children and programs here at the library. 

So just as we help you find the best books to read, or songs to use with your child we will help model the use of technology with your child. To introduce this idea, we will offer a new program called Tablet Time for children ages 3-6 with their adults (grandparents, parents, caregivers etc.)  The programs will be offered in May 10 and 19 and June 2 and 7 from 9:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. Registration is necessary so please check the calendar.  We will explore an app, a book, and a literacy craft that you can take home! At each session we will explore a new app. There will be time for each family to explore our iPads, hone their tablet skills, ask questions, and discover new learning apps at the end of each session. 

This is something new and we hope it will be educational and fun. 


1 comment:

  1. Im all for technology, especially when it leads to improvements of things like human services software and related technology.
